Posts in Living Lutheran
Bishops reflect on military chaplaincy

This year, for the first time in the church’s history, the ELCA installed two synod bishops who are serving as reserve military chaplains. Michael Lozano is bishop of the Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod and a chaplain in the Army Reserve, and Bill Tesch is bishop of the Northwestern Minnesota Synod and a chaplain in the Air Force Reserve. Living Lutheran asked the bishops about their experiences as military chaplains and how congregations can care for service members and veterans.

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An interview with musician Peter Mayer

Peter Mayer’s new album Passages (Little Flock Music) showcases his poetic approach to faith-based songwriting.

Some of Passages’ proceeds will benefit ELCA World Hunger projects and International Partners in Mission, an interfaith global service organization co-founded by Mayer’s missionary parents.

Living Lutheran spoke with Mayer, a member of First Evangelical Lutheran Church, Nashville, Tenn., about how he practices his music and his faith. Read the full story »

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