Posts in ELCA
Bishop Eaton: Run, don't walk

Join Bishop Eaton in giving thanks for this year’s Fund for Leaders recipients, a scholarship program which supports seminary students. We’re grateful for all future ministers, their confidence and courage to lead the church, and the ways they share the love of God in Christ with God’s people. Are you considering a call to ministry? Visit:

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Resources for Crafting Prayers of Intercession

When the church gathers, we pray for the needs of the world. Like preaching that is both rooted in scripture shared across time and space and attentive to the local assembly at the present moment, the sense of “praying for the world” is expansive but also attentive to a particular context.

Evangelical Lutheran Worship encourages that “The prayers [of intercession] are prepared locally for each occasion” (ELW. p. 105). How can this be done? What practices are useful? What resources can help? Listed in this post are several resources from ELCA Worship or Augsburg Fortress.

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Thank you! ELCA Fund for Leaders Class of 2021

The ELCA Fund for Leaders supports students of tremendous promise attending ELCA seminaries to become pastors and deacons in our church. This year, 317 students are receiving over $3.2 million in scholarship support. Many of them would like to express their thanks to you for making their scholarships possible. Learn more at

View a brief thank you message and the full awards celebration in this post. View many of the students’ videos on the ELCA YouTube page.

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A Declaration of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to American Indian and Alaska Native People

As the United States pauses to honor and celebrate the Indigenous people who first settled on the land thousands of years ago, the Evangelical Church in America (ELCA) has released "A Declaration of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to American Indian and Alaska Native People." The declaration is a direct result of the social policy resolution "Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery," which was passed by the 2016 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. Read the declaration in this post.

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Bishop Eaton: Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2021

On Indigenous Peoples’ Day, we celebrate the heritage and contributions of Indigenous members of our church and society. Bishop Eaton also invites us into a time of confession and commitment.

We confess the church’s failure to address the racism that has so damaged Indigenous communities. We commit to working cooperatively to promote justice for Indigenous people, participating in acts of advocacy, practicing land acknowledgements and taking seriously the experiences of our Indigenous neighbors. Together we are all children of God, redeemed by Jesus, sustained by the Spirit.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: October 10, 2021
  • For faith formation teachers, leaders, and students in this new program year…

  • For those undergoing treatment or who are in remission for cancer…

  • For migrants detained in detention facilities and those awaiting asylum hearings…

  • For wildlife harmed and in danger due to the oil spill off the coast of Huntington Beach, California…

  • For the work of the Supreme Court of the United States hearing significant cases this term…

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Bishop Eaton's invitation to Stories of Faith in Action

In her letter introducing Stories of Faith in Action, Bishop Eaton notes that “the disciples in John’s Gospel approach ministry challenges with a scarcity mindset. Jesus shows us a different way: trusting in God’s awesome abundance.”

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Bolstered by relationships: San Gabriel Lutheran Church in Alvarado, Texas

This week’s Story of Faith in Action features San Gabriel Lutheran Church in Alvarado, Texas, built up by the generosity of others — church members, nearby ELCA congregations and, through Mission Support funds, the ELCA Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod.

Read the story in this post, view as a PDF resource, or visit our SOFIA 2021-2022 page for all resources.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: October 3, 2021
  • For the people of Germany in the wake of a national election…

  • For the witness of LGBTQIA+ persons in the church and for all allies and advocates…

  • For equitable and affordable access to healthcare for all…

  • For the work of the ELCA’s AMMPARO (Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation, and Opportunities) initiative and for the safety of migrant minors…

  • For the work of the 2022 Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE) planning team…

  • In thanksgiving for the life and witness of Francis of Assisi…

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Four ways to use Stories of Faith in Action

Stories of Faith in Action is a free, annual publication highlighting how God is changing lives through the ministries funded by your congregation’s Mission Support offering, shared with your synod and ELCA churchwide. Visit our SOFIA 2021-2022 page for all resources.

How can you inspire ELCA members with this publication? View this how-to PDF resource or this post which has: links for the digital and print PDF; one-page stories for printing; three videos for social media or mission moment with your congregation (1, 2, 3); and prompts for devotional time.

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Angela T. !Khabeb: Grounds for forgiveness

My father taught me how to pray the Lord’s Prayer when I was a little girl—much too young to understand what trespasses or forgiveness meant.

Forgiveness is an inescapable aspect of the human condition, touching nearly every facet of our lives. Yet it seems as if the concept of God’s forgiveness has been co-opted by pop culture, which has left it somewhere between a buzzword and a spiritual practice.

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New ways to be faithful: Living Christ Lutheran Church in Flagstaff

This week’s Story of Faith in Action features our very own Living Christ Lutheran Church in Flagstaff, where grants from the Grand Canyon Synod, funded by ELCA Mission Support, helped sustain Living Christ’s ministry.

Read this story and view the video in this post, view as a PDF resource, or visit our SOFIA 2021-2022 page for all resources.

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Introducing 2021-2022 Hunger Advocacy Fellows

The Hunger Advocacy Fellows program is a year-long transformative experience that combines leadership development, faith formation, and impactful advocacy that moves us toward an end to hunger and a just world where all are fed. Hunger Advocacy Fellows are placed with different ELCA-affiliated state public policy offices across the country. We are excited to introduce our 2021-2022 Hunger Advocacy Fellows.

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Conflict resolution skills used to bridge partisan divide

The morning after the 2016 presidential election, Bruce MacKenzie had a line from the “Prayer of St. Francis” running through his mind: “Seek as much … to be understood as to understand.”

He came across an article that mentioned Braver Angels (formerly “Better Angels”), an organization trying to bridge the partisan divide and depolarize America, and signed up for a “Red/Blue Workshop,” which brings together an equal number of conservatives and liberals to discover common values.

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