Posts in ELCA
Introducing Stories of Faith in Action (Sofia) 2021-2022

The 2021-2022 Stories of Faith in Action resources are available at Dive into the latest issue, which is now available in its digital edition or print edition, and includes:

  • A special message from ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton.

  • Nine inspiring stories from around the country and the world.

  • Your 2020 financial report on Mission Support — the portion of your offering your congregation shares with your synod, and your synod shares with the churchwide organization.

  • A story-based devotional for use at Bible studies or committee meetings.

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Register for 9/21/2021 planned legacy giving webinar

Our “How Your Charitable Heart Can Leave a Legacy” Zoom presentation is next week (September 21, 2021 at 6pm MST/PDT). This one-hour presentation will equip YOU as a congregational leader to educate your faithful members about best practices in navigating a pathway of charitable intent.

As a warmup we share some FAQs on planned giving in this post.

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Bishop Eaton: Remembering Sept. 11, 2001

As we observe the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, tragedies, Bishop Eaton invites us to remember, reflect and pray. Let us never forget the many lives lost or that many still carry the burdens of grief, trauma, and illness. As we remember the trauma of 9/11 and its aftermath, may we reflect on and hold fast to the promise that God has given us a future of hope.

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Living Lutheran September series: Difficult conversations

In September, Living Lutheran is looking at some of the topics that may be hard to handle and how we engage with those we disagree with They start with one of our newest synod bishops, Megan Rohrer of the Sierra Pacific Synod, who says regarding the difficult topics they encounter, “All I have to do in the conversation is to be faithful.”

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Tap into your vocation

The Christian answer to the question “What shall I do with my life,” asserts Dorothy C. Bass, is vocation. In other words: “Respond to God’s call.”

This article from Living Lutheran provides great resources, insights into Martin Luther’s view of vocation, and the insight that “congregations are wonderful little laboratories of vocation.”

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Readiness for Retirement Savings Matching program

Leaders and congregations that are financially well experience greater health and vitality overall and are better able to carry out the Great Commission — making disciples for Jesus Christ. For many rostered ministers, financial stress caused by a lack of retirement savings is a barrier to effectiveness and satisfaction in ministry. Learn more about the Readiness for Retirement program.

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