Posts in Bishop Eaton
Bishop Eaton: A pastoral word on the verdict of George Floyd's murder trial 

​The trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minnesota police officer charged with the killing of George Floyd, has riveted our national attention these past weeks, and now a verdict has been reached. Together with people around the world, we have anticipated the jury's decision with troubled hearts. As members of the community of Jesus, we affirm that "if one member suffers, all suffer together with it" (1 Corinthians 12:26, NRSV).

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Bishop Eaton: Become active, dear church

After witnessing acts of violence this week, particularly against Black and Brown people, Bishop Eaton reminds us of all the ways our church has committed to do justice—on racism, on health care, on education, on immigration—but implores us to do more. Work for change. Get in contact with your neighbors, communities, lawmakers and officials. The same liberating gospel that sets us free from sin sets us free to serve our neighbor.

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From grief to joy: Bishop Eaton's Easter message 2021

Imagine what it must have been like on that first Easter morning when there wasn't the knowledge of the resurrection. When, instead, it was all about death and disappointment. Imagine Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the risen Lord. Hear Bishop Eaton’s message and a hymn from our newest worship resource, All Creation Sings, about the transformation of Mary's grief into joy. Happy Easter!

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Bishop Eaton issues statement on gun violence

Together with God, we grieve with the families and communities impacted by gun violence — especially in communities where it is an everyday occurrence. These shootings are not isolated but rather a pattern of the gun violence crisis in the United States.

The numbers of victims tell only a part of the pain — the trauma caused by gun violence ripples across family members, friends, neighborhoods, communities and this country.

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3/31/2021 is last day to take the global survey on being Lutheran

This Lent, Bishop Eaton invites us to participate in the Global Survey on Being Lutheran (en Español: Encuesta Mundial Sobre lo Que Significa Ser Luteran). We also ask that you invite others in your churches to participate. The survey will be open through March 31, and responses gathered will help to shape the 13th LWF Assembly in 2023.

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Creation-Focused Service for Earth Day 2021

For Earth Day April 25, 2021, Lutherans Restoring Creation is preparing a gorgeous program of liturgy, visual journeys, musical offerings, insights and inspiration. Bishop Elizabeth Eaton will be delivering the sermon. More info here.

Be sure to register and receive a link to download the service a week prior to the live presentation on April 25th (Good Shepherd Sunday). The entire worship service will also be offered via our YouTube and Facebook channels live that day.

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Statement for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Bishop Eaton and leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, the Anglican Church of Canada and The Episcopal Church have issued a statement in observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21, 2021.

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3/31/2021 is last day to take the global survey on being Lutheran

This Lent, Bishop Eaton invites us to participate in the Global Survey on Being Lutheran (en Español: Encuesta Mundial Sobre lo Que Significa Ser Luteran). We also ask that you invite others in your churches to participate. The survey will be open through March 31, and responses gathered will help to shape the 13th LWF Assembly in 2023.

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