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Thank you for joining us in these conversations. We look forward to growing into what God has for us next. The conversation about skin tones and how we react to them must continue. As the Church, we are better together. 

Please take a few minutes and let us know if and how these conversations impacted you.

Open Conversations About Race

Note: We had these conversation Tuesdays: August 11, September 8, October 13, and November 10, 2020, at 6:30-8:00 pm on Zoom.

These conversations are a safe and thoughtful space where you and others in the synod can wrestle with questions and talk with each other.

Pastors from across the synod will facilitate the conversation, and we will take our time to create better dialogue to strengthen our congregations, our Synod, and the ELCA. Anyone in the synod is invited to participate.With so many ways to expand our knowledge—front page news, podcasts, blogs, town halls, expert opinion, scholarly articles—we are learning so much about structural racism, white privilege, the police and the community, and so much more. 

Our heads are full of information. We want to start with conversations that engage the heart. 

As people of faith we push forward knowing that together, through conversation, we can learn. Together we can discover places where our hearts expand. Together we gain confidence in leading what can be difficult and critical conversations. We all see things differently. Now is a good time to learn from each other about how our opinions are formed through experiences and cultural messages.

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