Assembly Stewardship Opportunities

Our synod assembly has stewardship opportunities for your worshipping communities and voting members. We will be collecting in-kind donations for families seeking asylum, as well as worship offerings to be shared equally with the ELCA Campaign and the Bishop’s Synod Leadership Development Fund. One more way for us to be church together, better together for the sake of the gospel.

Items needed include new and WHITE towels, medications, underwear, socks, hygiene items, food, backpacks, used or new clothing. For particular details on these items, please see the info below, or read this Word document or PDF.

In-Kind Donations for Families Seeking Asylum

List of needs:

  • New, WHITE towels (white can be easily bleached in the laundry)

  • Over the Counter medications (Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Tums, cold and flu remedies)

  • New underwear, socks – men, women size s/m, children all sizes

  • Hygiene items – travel sized soap, deodorant, toothpaste, women’s pads, shampoo/conditioner

  • Food – travel snack bags for bus

  • Backpacks

  • Used or new clothing, shoes – all sizes

Bring your donated items to the Synod Assembly and Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest will pick them up for distribution.

Worship Offerings

To be shared equally with:

  • ELCA Campaign

  • Bishop’s Synod Leadership Development Fund

Congregations are encouraged to take a collection from your home worship community to be shared in the synod assembly worship offering.