University Lutheran's Offering of Letters: Faithful Advocacy in Action

At University Lutheran Church and Lutheran Campus Ministry, a commitment to advocacy led to the annual Offering of Letters event, supporting Bread for the World's mission to tackle hunger through federal assistance programs. This year's focus was the pivotal Farm Bill, impacting SNAP funding and food access nationwide. The congregation's letter-writing party fostered community involvement, educated members on policy, and encouraged direct action. Read more on the LAMA website.

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Lutherans Unite for Creation Care: April's Green Initiatives and How to Get Involved

April's Good Green News from Lutherans Restoring Creation (LRC) offers a slew of engaging opportunities for congregations to become proactive in creation care, from formulating action plans to participating in national climate discussions. Dive into this month's offerings and see how your faith community can contribute to a greener, more sustainable world.

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Christians Against Christian Nationalism: Does the Bible need endorsing?

On the most recent episode of Respecting Religion, the podcast from BJC (the parent organization of Christians Against Christian Nationalism), co-hosts Amanda Tyler and Holly Hollman explain why the Bible doesn’t need anyone’s endorsement. You can listen to it wherever you get your podcasts or on BJC's website

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Blessed Tomorrow: Celebrating Earth Day

Celebrate Earth Day this April with Blessed Tomorrow. Dive into the joy and sacredness of spring as we recommit to creation care and climate justice. Discover three powerful ways to engage your congregation and community in meaningful climate action, from participating in the National Faith + Climate Forum to joining One Home One Future and becoming a Climate Ambassador. Let's honor Earth Day and ensure the beauty of our planet for future generations.

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From Local Impact to Global Action: ELCA World Hunger's 50th Year of Making a Difference

In the April 2024 edition of "Go & Do News," Lauren Smith, Director at Building Resilient Communities Education and Networks, celebrates the 50th anniversary of ELCA World Hunger. This issue invites readers to reflect on the half-century milestone of tackling hunger and poverty through ELCA's dedicated ministry.

It highlights the release of 50th-anniversary resources, a special video, and inspiring stories of partnership and action across the globe, including domestic spotlight on the Allegheny Valley Association of Churches and international focus on FLD-COMIN-CAPA's work in Brazil.

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Redefining Evangelism: A Journey to Sharing Deep Lutheran Insights

In Living Lutheran’s "Beyond Evangelism: Sharing What Matters," Anthony Bateza explores a nuanced approach to sharing the gospel, focusing on the therapeutic aspects of Lutheran theology rather than conventional evangelism.

Dr. Bateza reflects on the discomfort with traditional evangelist roles and the fear associated with being perceived as coercive. He suggests a shift from a caricatured evangelism to sharing theological depth and substance, emphasizing love, justice, and humility in faith communities.

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Embracing Autistic Children in Church: A Mother's Story of Inclusion and Hope

Creating a welcoming church environment for autistic children and their families involves understanding, adjustments, and compassion. In this blog post from, Kristin Thomas Sancken shares her personal journey with her daughter Lucy, revealing the significance of individualized care and accommodations. From recognizing sensory sensitivities to explaining church rituals, her congregation’s inclusive approach highlights the power of empathy and acceptance.

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ELCA Disability Ministries Announces Upcoming Grant Opportunities for 2024

Stay informed and engaged with ELCA Disability Ministries in their latest update. Look forward to a new grant opportunity aimed at supporting and enhancing the work of disability ministries across our community. Additionally, consider joining their advisory team to play a pivotal role in guiding and expanding our ministry efforts.

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