Posts in Region 2
The Chrysalis Initiative: One congregation's long-term response to a devastating fire

Watch a video from the Rocky Mountain Synod on Ascension Lutheran’s response to the Marshall Fire.

On Dec. 30, 2021, the Marshall Fire, a destructive wildfire and urban conflagration whipped by sustained winds, swept across Boulder County, Colorado. The fire completely destroyed the homes of several families who are members of Christ the Servant Lutheran Church in Louisville, including pastor Stephanie Lord’s.

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WSYG & WYLE Schedule Release

The schedules for the July 2023 Western States Youth Gathering (WSYG) and Western States Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (WYLE) have been released. Register and learn more at

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Training Opportunity: Revitalizing your congregation's preaching ministry

If your congregation is open to a more collaborative preaching model (perhaps even developing a cadre of lay preachers), consider this opportunity with the Rev. Dr. Shauna Hannan (preaching professor at PLTS in Berkeley, CA). Congregational teams consisting of 4-5 lay people and a rostered minister who will journey through the program together, which runs April through June of 2023.

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PTLS hosts events for folks in discernment

Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary (PLTS) is hosting three events for folks in discernment. Find info here or click a link below:

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Prayers of lament for Colorado Springs violence

We share a prayer of lament from Bishop Jim Gonia and the Rocky Mountain Synod in the face of the heartbreaking shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs, and lamenting the long history of violence against our LGBTQia+ siblings.

Christ our victim, whose beauty disfigured and whose body torn upon the cross; open wide your arms to embrace our tortured world, especially the victims who were injured and for the families mourn the deaths of those killed at Club Q in Colorado Springs, that we may not turn away our eyes, but abandon ourselves to your mercy. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

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Western States Youth Gathering is July 6-9, 2023

The Western States Youth Gathering (WSYG) and Western States Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (WYLE) is back! Coming to California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, CA from July 4-9, 2023. The event is open to high schoolers in our synod and ELCA Regions 1-4. The Western States Multicultural Youth Leadership Pre-Event (WYLE) will be held July 4-6, 2023.

Early-Bird registration for the Western States Youth Gathering is now OPEN! Learn more and register your group for the lowest possible prices at!

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Outdoor school instructors needed at Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences in Southern California

Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences in Southern California is looking for Outdoor School Instructors for our Spring 2023 season!

Our season starts with a comprehensive training in March and ends in June (with the opportunity to work year-round if interested).

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PLTS Founder's Day keynote lecture

Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary celebrates Founder’s Day with a keynote lecture "The Planet You Inherit: A Re-Founding Catalyst?", from Larry L. Rasmussen. Online lecture begins 6pm, Thursday, 11/3/2022.
Register here.

Voltaire (1694-1778) said the "three things exercise a constant influence over the minds of [humankind]: climate, governance, and religion...That is the only way of explaining the enigma of this world." This Founder's Day Lecture looks at each of these three - climate, governance, and religion - to ask whether today's planetary emergency requires re-founding our way of life.

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We are the Lord’s: A Conversation on Grief, Death, and Life

The Southwest California Synod presents We are the Lord’s: A Conversation on Grief, Death, and Life, Saturday, 10/29,2022, 10am-1pm MST/PDT, 11am-2pm MDT, via Zoom. This Zoom event featuring Rev. Francisco Javier Goitía Padilla is for rostered leaders, seminarians, interns, and congregational leadership in general.

To register, please contact Pastor Abel Arroyo Traverso, Southwest California Synod’s Assistant to the Bishop for Faith Formation and In House Theologian at or call 626-665-9133.

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Cultivating Climate Justice: Tools, Hope, Theology and Spirit

Join facilitator Dr. Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, founding director for the Center for Climate Justice and Faith at PLTS, for a three-day retreat at Spirit in the Desert, Friday, 3/10/2023 through Sunday, 3/12/2023.

Explore the economic, cultural, political, and ecological contours of the systemic crisis we face, and grow in the knowledge, skills, spiritual strength, and community that are so vital to forging the paths toward climate justice. Register here and learn more on our calendar listing.

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Cal Lutheran’s Fifty and Better (FAB) Fall 2022 Lectures

Registration for the Fifty and Better program’s FABulous Fall Lecture Series is open! Join them in late 2022 for independent and two-part lectures on various topics, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, comparisons of the conflicts in Cuba and Ukraine, Jewish film, neurodegeneration, cyber-terrorism, and more! Visit for more info and registration.

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Join a 2022 Thriving Leadership Formation Cohort Group

Cohorts come together with the intent of creating nurturing and empowering times, spaces, and relationships. Cohorts meet virtually for 12 sessions using a curriculum of spiritual practices. Membership is open to rostered and non-rostered leaders in ELCA Regions 1 and 2. Explore the cohorts for this year and find one that works for you!

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Cal Lutheran's Fifty and Better 2022 Fall session is open for registration

California Lutheran Univeristy's Fifty and Better Fall session begins September 6, 2022. Click here for PDF info, and click here to register.

Each course and lecture meets for 2 hours. All are available virtually, one is also in-person. In our virtual courses and lectures, students communicate with faculty via the chat function in Zoom. All courses and lectures are recorded and available for students to watch the next day.

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Thriving Leadership Formation (TLF): Contemplative Action Cohorts Forming Now!

Thriving Leadership Formation (TLF) is currently recruiting leaders and participants for the next round of Cohorts this Fall! Watch this video to hear from those who have found community and meaning through their Cohort. Click here if interested in joining a cohort. Click here if interested in serving as a Leader.

The goal of the Contemplative Action Cohorts is to foster and equip spiritual leaders for new models of ministry and church.

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