Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Young Adult in Global Mission: Ann Emilie Tjorhom

Ann Emilie is the Grand Canyon Synod participant in the ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program. She is serving in Argentina/Uruguay by working within a local faith community. The ELCA describes this program as one of transformation, self-reflection, and a learning experience for leadership within the church setting. As Ann Emilie begins this journey of discernment and service, please hold her in prayer. She joins a group of over 85 young adults serving in 11 different country programs around the globe.

A member of Peace Lutheran in Peoria, Ann Emilie graduated from the University of Arizona in May (2019) with two Bachelors of Arts: English and Spanish Linguistics. She received an international certificate to Teach English as a Foreign Language in Costa Rica the previous summer (2018). During her Senior year, She was a teacher's aide in the Tucson Unified School District, working in a 3rd grade class. She hopes to utilize her passion for education and language during her time in Argentina/Uruguay.

Ann Emilie is keeping a blog of her experiences that you are invited to follow:

You are also invited to be part of the program’s mission through a gift of financial support. YAGM asks each of its volunteers to commit to fundraising effort to contribute to the cost of yearlong service. Your donation makes this year possible! If you are able to support her year of service, please click on this link: