Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Voter registration deadlines include 10/8/2024 for Nevada, and 10/25/2024 for Utah

You can check your voter registration status and find more information on Nevada’s election website and Utah’s election website. also has clear information for Arizona, Utah, and Nevada.

  • Nevada registration deadlines are postmarked by 10/8/2024 by mail, and Election Day, 11/5/2024 for online and in-person.

  • Utah registration deadlines are 10/25/2024 by mail and online, and Election Day, 11/5/2024 for in-person.

  • The Navajo Nation spans multiple states, so voter registration follows the respective state guidelines (Arizona, New Mexico, or Utah). Voter registration and early voting typically follow the same deadlines as those states, but it’s always advisable to contact the Navajo Election Administration for localized information.

Nevada Voting Information:

  • Voter Registration Deadlines:

    • By mail (postmarked by): October 8, 2024

    • Online: November 5, 2024 (same as Election Day)

    • In-person: November 5, 2024 (Election Day registration available)

  • Absentee/Mail Ballot Deadlines:

  • Request absentee ballot (received by): October 29, 2024

  • Return by mail (postmarked by): November 5, 2024

  • Early Voting: October 19 – November 1, 2024

  • Election Day: November 5, 2024

For more details, visit the Nevada Secretary of State’s election website .

Utah Voting Information:

  • Voter Registration Deadlines:

    • By mail (postmarked by): Friday, October 25, 2024

    • Online: Friday, October 25, 2024

    • In-person: November 5, 2024 (same-day registration available)

  • Early Voting: October 22 – November 1, 2024

  • Election Day: November 5, 2024

Navajo Nation Voting Information

The Navajo Nation spans multiple states, so voter registration follows the respective state guidelines (Arizona, New Mexico, or Utah). Voter registration and early voting typically follow the same deadlines as those states, but it’s always advisable to contact the Navajo Election Administration for localized information.