Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Truth & Healing Movement resources

The ELCA has been providing opportunities for people to learn the history and realities of Indigenous people, in hopes of bringing healing to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. Some opportunities are calls to individual action and others are ones congregations and small groups can participate in together.

Here are some upcoming activities to consider:

  • Watch the National Indian Lutheran Board’s Panel Discussion, from June 21, 2023

  • “Read the Truth in July” – consider reading a book written by a Native author and hosting a book discussion. Get some suggestions at Native Reads.

  • July 16 2023: "Indian 101" class. Led by Vance Blackfox .

  • July 24 2023: “Introduction to the Truth & Healing Movement". Led by Vance Blackfox.

Descriptions and links for the Truth & Healing Movement are posted on the ELCA's website.