Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Train the Trainer: How to Host an Anti-Racist Screening of "A Time for Burning"

White Lutherans for Racial Justice and the ELCA Office of Racial Justice are coming together to offer a critical opportunity to help congregations and communities engage in meaningful dialogue about racism and racial justice. On Monday, September 16th at 7:00 PM Central, they will be hosting a free “train the trainer” event, equipping leaders to facilitate screenings of the Academy Award-nominated documentary A Time for Burning.

This special event is designed to empower church leaders and congregations to host anti-racist film screenings in October or November. A Time for Burning, a documentary that explores the intersection of race and faith in a 1960s Lutheran congregation, offers a poignant entry point for conversations about racial justice. The film challenges viewers to confront the realities of racism within faith communities and broader society.

Participants will learn not only how to host a screening but also how to foster meaningful conversations in their communities following the film. Whether you are a rostered minister, lay leader, or simply someone passionate about racial justice, this training is for you.

Together, we can create spaces for reflection, dialogue, and action, grounded in our Lutheran commitment to justice and peace.


  • Date: Monday, September 16th

  • Time: Monday, 9/16/2024 at 5pm PDT/MST, 6pm MDT.

  • How to Join: Register here to attend the free virtual event.

Let’s answer the call to advocate for justice and reconciliation in our communities. We invite you to join this movement and bring the conversation to your congregation.