Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Enhance Your Year-End Giving with Thrivent Choice

As the year draws to a close, it's a time to reflect and consider how we can make impactful contributions to the causes that resonate with us. One such opportunity is through Thrivent Choice, a program that allows you to contribute to over 40,000 organizations that align with your values and interests.

Thrivent Choice makes it easier for you to support the causes you care about. Whether it's churches, nonprofits, or community initiatives, the platform offers a vast selection of organizations to choose from. What's more, when you make a donation through Thrivent’s online giving platform, Thrivent ensures that 100% of your gift reaches the chosen organization by covering all processing fees.

This program is a wonderful way to make your financial gifts stretch further and have a more significant impact. It's not just about giving; it's about making a difference in a way that's meaningful to you.

For those considering supporting the Grand Canyon Synod, Thrivent Choice offers a simple and effective way to contribute to our mission. Visit the GCS page to give through Thrivent Choice., and you can allocate your Thrivent Choice Dollars to support our ongoing efforts.

As we wrap up this year, let’s make our contributions count in the most impactful way possible. Choose to give through Thrivent Choice and be a part of the change you wish to see in your community and beyond.