Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Standing in Hope: A Call to Support ELCJHL Schools in Need

Join us in supporting the "Standing in Hope" campaign by Opportunity Palestine to aid the ELCJHL schools in the West Bank during the current crisis. With schools closed and families facing economic hardships, your generosity can provide essential scholarship assistance. Learn more about how you can contribute to this vital cause and stand in solidarity with the students and educators during this Advent Season.

The recent escalation of violence in Gaza has not only captured global attention but also deeply affected the lives of those in the West Bank, particularly impacting the educational institutions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL). In these trying times, Opportunity Palestine steps forward with its "Standing in Hope" campaign, an initiative to support the ELCJHL schools amidst the ongoing crisis.

The ELCJHL schools, embodying values of peace, faith, love, constructive dialogue, teamwork, and belonging, have faced unprecedented challenges since the conflict began. The swift transition to online learning due to school closures has placed an additional burden on students and their families, many of whom are grappling with economic hardships worsened by the lockdowns.

Opportunity Palestine, recognizing the urgent need for support, has established an emergency fund with a goal of $40,000 this Advent Season. This fund is crucial in providing scholarship assistance to sustain the schools and support the students during these turbulent times. The generosity of donors plays a pivotal role in maintaining these beacons of hope and education.

We invite you to be part of this noble cause. Contributions can be made online through the Opportunity Palestine website, where additional resources for organizing an Advent campaign within congregations and ministries are also available. For those preferring to donate by check, details are provided on the website.

In this season of Advent, let us come together to support the ELCJHL schools, standing as a testament to hope and resilience in the face of adversity. Your prayers and contributions can make a significant difference in the lives of these students and their communities.

On behalf of the ELCJHL schools, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your support and solidarity. May this Advent Season be a reminder of our shared commitment to peace, understanding, and the power of education.