Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Spiritual Synergy: Upcoming Highlights from Arizona Faith Network

Explore a week of faith-driven events with Arizona Faith Network, from guided meditation and book discussions to impactful workshops. Find connection, community, and purpose in this week’s Arizona Faith Network newsletter.

In an ever-evolving world, where digital communication blurs physical boundaries, our sense of community and faith remains a touchstone. The Arizona Faith Network (AFN) champions this by fostering an ecosystem where faith, action, and community intersect. Here’s a glimpse of what's on the horizon.

Mindful Mondays: AFN’s commitment to spiritual growth is evident with the weekly meditation sessions every Monday. Conducted via Zoom, these sessions, led by the knowledgeable Vasu Bandhu, offer a harmonious fusion of faith and practice. September 11th will feature a special guest, ensuring this month remains memorable for all participants.

Deep Dive Discussions: “The Man in the Dog Park” - this intriguing title isn’t just a book. In September and October, AFN turns it into a rich, four-part conversation about homelessness, its ties with capitalism, and the journey towards finding a home. AFN's Ellie Hutchison will steer this voyage, occasionally joined by the co-author, Ross More.

AFN’s Upcoming Engagements: Several committee meetings are scheduled for the week. From addressing an emergency heat wave's impacts to discussing voter rights, AFN is at the frontline, ensuring faith finds its voice in social justice.

The Annual Gathering - A Date for the Diary: On October 24, Phoenix Center for the Arts will echo with conversations on breaking barriers and building bridges. Tahil Sharma, an interfaith activist, will illuminate the gathering with insights on leveraging shared faith to connect communities.

From Our Partners: A slew of events from our partners are lined up, ranging from computer classes and food drives to workshops on water conservation and career development. These collaborations exemplify AFN’s ethos - faith is action, and action is community.

Lastly, the week sees the observance of Raksha Bandhan, a Hindu festival that celebrates the bond between siblings. Such festivals remind us of the rich tapestry of faiths that AFN embraces.

For the complete details of these events, and to participate, make sure to visit the main AFN site.