Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Spiritual Solidarity: Preparing for Advent in Community

As Advent approaches, bringing with it a time of anticipation and reflection, Thriving Leadership Formation invites you to a special event designed to ground and rejuvenate your spirit. "Journeying Together -- Spiritual Practices in Community" is an opportunity for faith leaders to pause amidst the bustling season, connect with God, and strengthen communal ties.

Hosted virtually on December 7, 2023, from 9am to Noon PST, this free event is a sanctuary for pastors, deacons, coaches, spiritual directors, church and synod staff, and lay leaders. It is a moment to embrace the stillness and sacred space that often eludes us during the holiday rush.

Under the gentle guidance of Spiritual Director Ravi Verma, participants will engage in a variety of experiential practices. This is not just an event, but an invitation to a journey—a collective expedition toward deeper spiritual connection and mutual support.

Whether you're navigating the challenges of ministry or seeking a fresh encounter with the divine, this gathering promises to be a wellspring of peace and rejuvenation. Register now to reserve your spot in this communal pilgrimage of the soul.

For inquiries, please reach out to, and join us as we embark on this Advent journey together.