Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Spirited Book Club: Neighbor Love through Fearful Days

The Spirited Book Club's April selection is Neighbor Love through Fearful Days: Finding Purpose and Meaning in a Time of Crisis by Jason A. Mahn. Click here for book details & to register. Thursday, 4/13/2023, 2 pm MST/PDT, 3pm MDT.

Neighbor Love through Fearful Days is a reflection on the Covid-19 pandemic, the accompanying economic collapse, a summer of climate chaos, and the pandemic of white supremacy, as well as on the calling to “serve thy neighbor” and work toward the common good.

Note from facilitator Sheri Brown: "Are you ready to read a book about 2020 or would you rather avoid re-visiting that time? Count me in the Avoiding camp. Until I started to read Neighbor Love.

I started reading the book with the kind of aversion usually reserved for steamed spinach: Figured it was gonna be icky but good for me.

Book flash: Not as icky as I feared. And very, very good (healing) for me.

With tender care, Mahn writes of that time while in that time. His reflections stir thoughts and questions that many of us experienced but were not able to voice:

  • Who is neighbor and what kind of neighbor am I?

  • What meaning is there in this suffering?

  • How do we tell our story and what difference does it make?

Are you ready for a conversation about neighbor love through fearful days? I hope so! Please join me for a conversation WITH THE AUTHOR!

By the way, what kind of person are you? Are you a Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, or Easter person? I’d never thought about my faith persona that way until reading Mahn’s poignant April 11, 2020 reflection."

Join the club! The book is discussed over one 90-minute meeting on Thursday, April 13 at 2:00p PST (AZ) time. Click for reviews, bio and registration.

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