Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Revitalize your congregation's preaching ministry

Revitalize your congregation's preaching ministry by making the practice of preaching more collaborative and participatory. These six Zoom sessions will be held October 2, 2022, through January 8, 2023, and led by Rev. Dr. Shaunna Hannan, Professor of Homiletics at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary (of California Lutheran University). Interested? Fill out this form,, and view more info in this post and this PDF flyer.

Seeking congregations interested in revitalizing their congregation’s preaching ministry!

What you need: 4-5 lay people from a congregation along with their Rostered Leader to form a small group to journey through this program together.

Six sessions with your congregation team joining several other congregations teams including some individual time with Shauna Hannan, Professor of Homiletics at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary (of California Lutheran University).

This is a gift to you from California Lutheran University Congregational Relations. We hope to lighten the load of Rostered Leaders, increase the capacity of lay leaders and come alongside congregations to strengthen your preaching capacity.

Questions? Desta Goehner, Director of Congregational Relations, Cal Lutheran