Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Region 2 Spotlight: Southwest California Synod

This week, our Synod Spotlight shines on the Southwest California Synod, a vibrant community of more than 100 congregations and worshiping communities across nine diverse conferences. These conferences, including the Channel Islands, LA Metropolitan, and Twin Valleys, serve a broad region encompassing portions of Kern, Los Angeles, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties.

Under the leadership of Bishop Brenda Bos, the Southwest California Synod exemplifies the Lutheran commitment to faith, service, and social justice. As a Reconciling In Christ (RIC) Synod, they boldly affirm their public commitment to welcoming, including, and celebrating LGBTQIA+ individuals. This dedication extends to congregations and organizations striving to create spaces where all are truly welcome.

Additionally, the Southwest California Synod is a proud participant in the Lutherans Restoring Creation initiative. This grassroots movement within the ELCA fosters a culture of environmental stewardship, urging congregations to care for creation as part of their faithful response to God’s call. Through various programs and initiatives, they actively work to promote ecological justice and sustainable practices within their communities.

The Synod’s commitment to justice extends further as a member of the Jubilee USA Network. Joining over 650 national and local faith groups, the Southwest California Synod works to address the root causes of poverty and inequality. They advocate for economic policies that protect vulnerable populations and strive for a world where economic justice is a reality for all.

The Southwest California Synod embodies the Lutheran values of inclusivity, stewardship, and justice, making a profound impact both locally and globally. Their work serves as an inspiring example of how we can live out our faith in meaningful ways.