Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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QAnon conspiracies are tearing through Evangelical America

“Pastors are concerned at the disproportionate presence of QAnon believers in their churches,” says Pastor Ed Stetzer, Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center, and Dean of the School of Mission, Ministry and Leadership at Wheaton College. “Pastors ask me regularly how do I address this in my church? We’ve all been taught in seminary not to politicize the pulpit.“

“People are wanting their ideology to be reflected in their church. In prior times it was wanting their theology to be reflected in their church. But people are being discipled by their cable news choices, spiritually shaped by their social media feed, and the result is they’re saying well if I believe this, I want to hear this on Sunday.

The implications for the Christian Church and its witness are substantial, and it’s part of our responsibility. These are people that are part of our congregations. These are people that we would say are Christian brothers and sisters in Christ. And when we see that they are being led astray, we need to help bring them back.”