Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: February 20, 2022

Intercession prompts:

  • For those impacted severely by climate change, especially parts of the Western United States experiencing “megadrought” conditions…

  • For the escalating situation at the Russia/Ukraine border…

  • For state and local leaders navigating ongoing decisions about Covid-19 response and mitigation efforts…

  • For all parents of children under age 5, continuing to wait for Covid-19 vaccine authorization for their children…

  • For the people of Tonga as they continue to deal with the destruction and trauma inflicted by January’s volcano and tsunami…

  • In gratitude for the generous and faithful stewardship of all who donated to ELCA World Hunger through the Big Game Challenge 2022…

Other notable events and observances:

Black History Month (Month of February)
Festival of Ayyam-i-Ha: A multiple-day festival in the Baha’i faith that prioritizes gift-giving, hospitality, charity, and preparation for fasting ahead of the New Year (February 25)
Commemoration of Martin Luther (February 18)

Suggested prayers and hymns:

A prayer in time of conflict, crisis, disaster
God most mighty, God most merciful, our sacred stories tell us that you help and save your people. You are the fortress: may there be no more war. You are the harvest: may there be no more hunger. You are the light: may no one die alone or in despair. God most majestic, God most motherly, grant us your life, the life that flows from your Son and the Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Hymns for peace
ELW 704 – When Pain of the World Surrounds Us
ELW 709 – When Our Song Says Peace
ELW 713 – O God of Every Nation

These prompts are provided for worship leaders as they prepare the prayers of intercession for weekly worship. The prompts are prepared by several leaders in the ELCA and reflect current world and national events. You are encouraged to adapt and add other concerns for your local context, including staying informed of events and concerns in your synod.

Additional topical prayers are found in Evangelical Lutheran Worship (pp. 72–87) and All Creation Sings (pp. 46–55), as well as in other resources provided in print and online at

Crafted intercessions for every Sunday and festival are provided in the Sundays and Seasons worship planning guide published in-print and online by Augsburg Fortress.

Prayer Ventures, a daily prayer resource, is a guide to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.