Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Prayers for New Spirit Lutheran, Tucson

We pray for Pastor Alan Field and the congregation of New Spirit Lutheran Church in Tucson.

We lift up the charter ministry team leaders: Altar Care, Bob Daliege; Audio Visual, Don Austin, Ken Dobbs, Shelley Colwell; Budget & Finances, Terry Wolfe; Building & Grounds, Ken Dobbs, John Lukecart, Don Crow; Columbarium/Memorial Garden, Jeremy Kwapich; Endowment Board, Don Austin, Edna Walton, Brenda Feller; Memorial Committee, Judy McFarland; Missions and Service, Judy McFarland, Sharon Dobbs, Craig Geiger; Prayer Chain email/telephone, Brenda Feller/Ellie Thompson, Barb Verthein; SOS, Gloria Burke; WELCA, Joyce Dow.

We pray for the the church council: President David Grundstrom; Vice President Jenny Kwapich, Secretary Shelley Colwell; Treasurer Terry Wolfe, President Ex-Officio: Susan Armstrong; Members at Large Laurie Bernard, Amber Uidenich, Martin Mosthaff, Brigitte Stuetze, Deloris Hanneman, and Renee Geiger.