Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Planning for a 2020 Stewardship Appeal meeting resources

Thanks for to all who attended the Grand Canyon Synod’s Stewardship presentation on Planning for a 2020 Stewardship Appeal.

For your convenience we're providing links to access some of the resources and options shared at the meeting that are helpful planning to tell the stories of ministry that encourage faithful generosity of your members.  

You can view or review the meeting here:

2020 Narrative Spending 
The Grand Canyon Synod’s 2020 Narrative Spending is on our stewardship page: In one page this narrative helps you tell the story of how mission support funds sent to the Grand Canyon Synod are utilized in God’s work. When you invite your members to give to the church, you invite them to participate in God's work locally and also in places that they cannot be physically. They get excited to be part of it!

GCS Daily Bread Grants
The GCS story about generous giving for “Daily Bread” grants is found here. This story demonstrates generosity that is inspiring!

Beginning a Culture of Generosity 
This program is specially created for the era of coronavirus. Details and registration at View a great 5 minute overview from GSB Fundraising: This Lilly 3E program provides 75% of content for a 2020 Fall Appeal in 6 sessions. Note the registration deadline is Aug 1st. 

The Generosity Project ideas presented by Linda Staats is attached and available at  It contains many links to useful programs and resources for your congregation's households.  

Stewardship for All Seasons is a longer program for learning fundraising principles and methodologies to grow faithful stewards in your congregation.  This Lilly 3E program is described at

For questions or to talk about options, contact Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta 480-297-3341, email

God Bless you and your congregation! 

Janis Richert, Stewardship Team Chair