Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Pastor Kristin Engstrom provides early July sermon

The Gospel, John 17:15-23, can be found at the beginning of the video. The greetings and sermon start at 1:50.

Pastor Kristin Engstrom, the Country Coordinator for the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program in Senegal, provides a video sermon (also in PDF) for use for either Sunday, July 5 or 12, 2020. Congregations may choose which Sunday works best.

Pastor Engstrom will use the texts from Global Church Sunday: Isaiah 2:2-4, Psalm 133, Ephesians 4:1-6, and John 17:15-23. The ELCA Global Church Sunday Resources were gathered to help congregations celebrate Christ’s global church, and we encourage synod churches to adapt the resources to celebrate this virtual visit from Pastor Engstrom. 

Pastor Engstrom’s full video is available at:

Pastor Engstrom brings greetings, the Gospel, and a sermon. The Gospel, John 17:15-23, can be found at the beginning of the video. The greetings and sermon start at 1:50. 

Some find it easier to have the Gospel and sermon as separate videos. Use these stand-alone video links:

From these links you can play the video directly (with full-screen option) or download the video in MP4 format using the "Download" button on the lower-right of the page.

Each year, young adults join Pastor Engstrom in Senegal, where they serve for one year with our companions in the Lutheran Church of Senegal and Senegalese Lutheran Development Services.

Originally from the midwestern United States, she is a proud graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. Pastor Kristin served two different parishes in northern New Jersey for six years, and then accepted the call to start and then coordinate the YAGM program in Senegal in 2016.

Senegal is the furthest western country on the continent of Africa.  A country of great hospitality.  A country where Christians and Muslims and Animists seek to live together in peace. A country where young adults from the ELCA spend a year accompanying our partners in Senegal, even as they themselves are transformed by the the wonderful people of Senegal through the YAGM program. The Lutheran Church of Senegal is also one of the companion churches of the Grand Canyon Synod, ELCA.

To discover more about Pastor Kristin and the YAGM Senegal program, visit