Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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New mural in the sanctuary of San Juan Bautista Lutheran Church in Tucson

San Juan Bautista Lutheran in Tucson shares news of their new sanctuary mural, created over a weekend in a collaborative project with Our Saviour’s Lutheran in Tucson and Casa De La Misericordia y de Todas las Naciones. Read in this PDF or view more in this post.

Everyone had a great time. The event on Saturday, March 19th began with a wonderful introduction by Sister Lika about color choices and how they influence our lives. Angelica Macias, or Lika as she is known, is the director of the shelter for asylum seekers that stay in Nogales, Sonora while they wait. She is also an artist that has trained in Russia, Rome, and Greece. She has created many murals and paintings.

The walls of the shelter called Casa de Misericordia y de Todas las Naciones (The House of Mercy and of all the Nations) are covered with creations that she drew and the residents filled in with color.

Youth and adults from two churches, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church and San Juan Bautista Lutheran Church, were there to work under Sister Lika’s tutelage. Pastor Mateo wanted a mural in the back of the sanctuary and wanted it to address the liturgical reference to the church for all time and in all places. Pastor Amalia and Scott Koenig of Our Saviour’s organized a lunch from Eegee’s delicious fare. The work required scaffolding which a congregant from San Juan Bautista provided. The youth and Sister Lika worked up on the scaffolding and some ladders. It was quite a collaborative endeavor.

We are delighted with how it turned out. There was a conjunction of cooperation from the Nogales shelter, and the two Tucson churches that resulted in a perfect addition for the sanctuary of San Juan Bautista.

Come join us for worship on Sundays at 11:00 am to see the mural. We are a 1130 E. Bilby Road in Tucson. If you haven’t seen the Sistine Chapel, this is closer and it doesn’t cost as much!