Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Navigating Election Season with Faith: Tools for Congregational Peace and Understanding

The 2024 election season is in full swing, and with it comes the inevitable rise in political tension. For many church leaders, the divisions that elections can bring into their congregations and communities are familiar yet challenging. Perhaps you’ve noticed a shift in the tone of social media conversations among your members or even witnessed heated debates during coffee hour. These tensions are often symptoms of a deeper need for Christian formation and discipleship.

To help congregations navigate these challenges, Faith+Lead has released the 2024 Election Season Toolkit. This toolkit provides church leaders with crucial resources to foster empathy, promote peace, and address conflicts productively—rooted in our shared identity in Christ.

What’s Inside:

  • Email 1: How to talk better about it – Equip your congregation to respond with empathy in politically charged conversations and promote understanding over division.

  • Email 2: How to preach better about it – Discover strategies to focus your sermons on Gospel values and build trust, rather than engaging in partisan debates.

  • Email 3: How to live out justice and faith – Cultivate a culture of justice grounded in Scripture, helping your members live out their faith through tangible actions.

This toolkit will help you shift from simply managing membership to cultivating deep discipleship, guiding your community through this election season with grace and compassion.

Access the toolkit and subscribe to receive email updates directly from Faith+Lead at