Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Moving Together: A Glimpse into Faith & Unity in Zambia

Experience the vibrancy of faith and community life in Zambia with ELCA Global Missionary Pastor Kristin Engstrom. From notable events like the 2023 ELCZa Church Assembly and Service of Ordination in Zambezi to the joyful moments of the Lusaka District Youth Camp, her September Newsletter is filled with inspiration and divine revelations. Witness how "ti yenda pamozi," or moving together, manifests in this part of the world.

Summer greetings to you, my siblings in Christ,

Yes, summer has arrived here in Zambia.  That is not a typo in my greeting. 

The sun has moved south again.  The fans are on.  The birds have returned.  We try not to walk anywhere in the middle of the day.  And everyone is complaining that it's tooooo hot.  I am also a bit jealous of all the fall pictures from those of you in the northern hemisphere.

As I try to stay cool in front of the fan, I'm happy to share with you my September 2023 Newsletter

You'll find news of the biggest happening in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zambia (ELCZa) since I arrived - the 2023 ELCZa Church Assembly and Service of Ordination which took place in Zambezi in Northwestern Zambia.  I've also included pictures of the Lusaka District Youth Camp that took place in August.

You can download a pdf of the September 2023 Newsletter here or read it on my blog:  You are welcome to share the Newsletter on social media, in your congregational newsletter, and more.

Thank you also, for your support of my work as an ELCA global missionary.  I would not be able to serve as a missionary without you.  As we say here in Zambia, "ti yenda pamozi" or we move together.

God be with you,

Pastor Kristin Engstrom

  • ELCA Global Missionary with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zambia

  • Facilitator of Leadership Development and Capacity Building
