Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Maximize Your Ministry's Impact: Five Exciting Stewardship and Leadership Growth Opportunities

The ELCA is offering a series of transformative opportunities for church leaders to enhance their skills in stewardship and leadership. Pastor Anna-Kari Joy L. Johnson, New Ministry Development and Evangelism Program Manager, ELCA Christian Community and Leadership, highlights these five opportunities:

  1. Cultivating the Craft of Asking - A series of five bi-weekly webinars beginning February 13, designed to help you develop a donor base and encourage large donations. Register here to join.

  2. African Descent and African National Financial Empowerment - An insightful webinar on February 17 focusing on financial stewardship in African heritage contexts. Sign up here.

  3. Deepening Our Relationship with the Spirituality of Fundraising - A one-day seminar on March 7, 2024, to activate courage and leadership in expanding partnerships and funding. Limited seats available, register here.

  4. Financial Best Practices Learning Community - Starting April 18, 2024, engage in monthly sessions focusing on stewardship challenges and best practices. Join the first session for free to see if it's right for your ministry here.

  5. Financial Empowerment for Missional Leaders - A 9-month webinar series tailored to church financial stewardship responsibilities. Nominate participants here.

Each of these opportunities is designed to empower church leaders in their stewardship and leadership roles, fostering growth and effective ministry practices.