Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Lutherans Unite for Creation Care: April's Green Initiatives and How to Get Involved

April's Good Green News from Lutherans Restoring Creation (LRC) is here to inspire, educate, and mobilize congregations in environmental stewardship and advocacy. This month, LRC encourages groups to engage in discussions on how to be better caretakers of God’s creation, with resources readily available for guidance. The "Actions Speak Loudly" form is a practical tool for congregations to create an action plan covering various aspects of church life, from worship to advocacy. LRC invites all to submit these plans to share with and inspire others.

Additionally, an upcoming Connections Call on April 23rd offers insights into making impactful environmental changes at the synod level. A new synod green team kit will be introduced, and registration is open for those interested in joining the conversation.

This month also highlights Faith Climate Action Week, spanning April 19-28, with a focus on the connection between food, faith, and climate. Congregations are encouraged to participate in local events or add their own to the LRC calendar.

The LRC also teases next month's Connections Call exploring "The Week" as a resource for climate change discussions, and urges participation in the National Faith + Climate Forum on April 16th, a vital gathering for those committed to faith-based environmental action.