Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Lutheran World Federation newsletter: 7/26/2024

The LWF scholarship program opens up new opportunities for those studying to contribute to the Lutheran communion. In this photo: participants in the 2022 Peace Messengers training in Kigali, Rwanda, included an LWF scholarship holder as a resource person. Photo: LWF/S. Sullivan

Voices from the Communion

View from North Sumatra: LWF Regional Secretary for Asia


Open call: 2025 LWF scholarship applications

Created To Be: LWF joins youth gathering in New Orleans

Diakonia at the heart of community transformation in Africa

LWF World Service publishes RBA report

Get Involved

Donate to support the
emergency work of our
LWF Jerusalem Program


Applications for LWF Scholarships in Theology and Diakonia
Deadline for applications: 25 September 2024

Ongoing Campaigns and Open Calls

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 Africa Lutheran Church Leadership Consultation

18 – 19 September 2024


Living as Neighbours | Episodes 1 to 7


RBA Local to Global Annual Report 2023

Season of Creation Celebration Guide 2024

LWF Membership Statistics 2023

Photos from the Council

LWF Annual Report 2023

LWF World Service Annual Report 2023

“One Body, One Spirit, One Hope”

Learning Platform

LWF Photo Library