Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Lutheran World Federation newsletter: 6/21/2024

Pope Francis meets with LWF delegation in private audience in the Vatican. Photo: VaticanMedia

Voices From the Communion

Revitalizing congregations, serving people

Council 2024

Council concludes: new strategy, study processes, public statements

Strong ecumenical ties anchored in God’s promise of hope

Council visit inaugurates new Communion Office

Council joins Geneva congregations for Sunday services

World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day 2024

LWF and Caritas: closer collaboration to serve people on the move


New LWF leaders meet with Pope Francis

Lutheran-Orthodox: New era of relations between East and West?

Get Involved

Donate to support the
emergency work of our
LWF Jerusalem Program

Ongoing Campaigns and Open Calls


Seventh LWF International Seminar for Lay Leaders

26 June - 1 July 2024

Launch of the Global Songbook 2024

29 June 2024


Living as Neighbours | Episode 7: Marianna


LWF Membership Statistics 2023

Photos from the Council

LWF Annual Report 2023

LWF World Service Annual Report 2023

“One Body, One Spirit, One Hope”

Learning Platform

"The Spirit of the Lord Is Upon Me” - International Lutheran-Pentecostal Dialogue Statement

Gender Justice toolbox

Interim Report: Experiences of Women in the Ordained Ministry

LWF Photo Library