Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Lutheran World Federation newsletter

Floods, caused by heavy rains, impacted the Far North region of Cameroon. Photo: CLBC


AI and Church Communication: Balancing Innovation with Connection

Iraq: A decade of relief and recovery

Cameroon: LWF’s solidarity with flood-affected communities

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emergency work of our
LWF Jerusalem Program


Applications for LWF Scholarships in Theology and Diakonia
Deadline for applications: 25 September 2024


Emergency calls

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Africa Lutheran Church Leadership Consultation

18 – 22 September 2024

2024 Retreat of Newly Elected Leaders

29 September – 8 October 2024

Study Ecumenism with Strasbourg Research Institute

7 – 11 October 2024

European Regions’ Meeting 2024

8 – 11 October 2024


Keynote speech by LWF General Secretary Burghardt at Mission Partnership Consultation on 29 August

Season of Creation Celebration Guide 2024

Lutheran-Orthodox Common Statement on the Filioque

LWF Annual Report 2023

LWF World Service Annual Report 2023

Learning Platform

LWF Photo Library