Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Lutheran World Federation newsletter: 1/20/2023

LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Anne Burghardt. Photo: Aldo Luud/Õhtuleht.


First Palestinian woman to be ordained as pastor

“Orthodox studies helped me appreciate Lutheran theology"

“Seek justice”: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Ethiopia: Solar lights for rural communities

Czech Republic: challenges of youth ministry

War in Ukraine

Donate to support
the people of Ukraine

Photos: LWF in Ukraine

Photos: LWF in Poland
      – Ukraine response


Europe: A new learning program on diakonia

22–25 January 2023

2023 Pre-Assembly: Europe

21–24 March 2023

2023 Pre-Assembly: Latin America, the Caribbean and North America

17 - 21 April 2023

2023 Pre-Assembly: Latin America, the Caribbean and North America

17–21 April 2023

LWF Thirteenth Assembly

13–19 September 2023

Get Involved

Ongoing Campaigns and Open Calls


LWF New Year Message

In Communion – The Lutheran World Federation 1947-2022

LWF Photo Library