Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Lutheran World Federation newsletter: 9/23/2022

A group of participants during the June 2022 Peace Messengers training in Geneva. Photo: LWF/S. Sullivan

Voices from the Communion

Cameroon: Addressing gaps in theological education and leadership


Colombia: Twenty years of working for reconciliation

Europe: Diaconal actors prepare on-line learning materials

Lutheran youth continue to focus on peace in 2022

Palestine: Vocational Training for women

Kazakhstan: "We can always find common ground"

War in Ukraine

Donate to support
the people of Ukraine


Season of Creation 2022

1 September – 4 October 2022

Open call: Stewards Program for LWF Thirteenth Assembly

Until 30 September 2022

2023 Call for LWF Scholarship Applications 

Until 15 October 2022

LWF Thirteenth Assembly

13 – 19 September 2023


Season of Creation - Celebration Guide 2022

LWF World Service Annual Report 2021

LWF Annual Report 2021

LWF Photo Library