Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Lutheran Men in Mission's Summer 2023 Ambassador-Gram

Check out the latest updates from Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM) including the launch of their new app and a recap of the Spring 2023 Bold Gathering. Find out about upcoming Men's Weekend Experiences and exciting opportunities for Bible studies and book discussions. Discover how you can become more involved in our ministry. Explore these updates and more in our full blog post.

Empowering Men in Faith: LMM's Latest App and Exciting Events

Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM) is excited to announce the launch of our new app, now making it easier than ever to access LMM resources and stay updated on our events. Available for both Android and iOS devices, the LMM App brings our mission to empower men in their Christian faith right to your pocket.

Our Spring 2023 Bold Gathering, held in Tacoma, WA, was an incredible time of spiritual enrichment and fellowship. If you missed it or want to relive the experience, we have videos available for viewing with your Men's Group. We've also included discussion questions to facilitate engaging conversations.

Looking ahead, mark your calendars for our upcoming Men's Weekend Experiences. We have several retreats scheduled in various locations from Olympia, WA to Strawberry Point, IA. These events offer fantastic opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship.

We're thrilled to introduce our new edition "Lifelines" through PROJECT TWELVE. Join Executive Director, John Sundquist, for our Bible Study or Discipleship Consultant, Kevin Burke, for our new book discussion, starting August 29.

For any queries or to join our ministry as a LMM Congregational Contact or LMM Ambassador, reach out to us via email.