Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Luther Seminary Doctoral Student Prepares to Strengthen Caribbean Churches

Rev. Danielle Dokman, supported by the ELCA’s International Leaders Program, is preparing to expand her leadership in Suriname and the Caribbean. Currently pursuing her doctorate in Old Testament at Luther Seminary, she aims to strengthen the visibility of the Lutheran church in society and train lay and clergy leaders. Read more about her journey and other updates from ELCA Global Mission in the latest edition of Global Links as well as updates on mission personnel and other news.

Rev. Danielle Dokman, an ELCA International Leaders Program scholarship recipient, is making an impact both in her home church and on the global Lutheran stage. Currently pursuing a doctorate in Old Testament at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, Dokman has been deeply involved in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Suriname and beyond. Her work has included leadership roles in the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and participation in global theological conversations.

Rev. Dokman’s journey has been supported by the ELCA’s International Leaders Program, which provides scholarships to emerging leaders from global companion churches. With a vision for advancing public theology and training leaders in Suriname and the Caribbean, Dokman aims to make the Lutheran church more visible in society. “I will continue to be a pastor in the church and do training for lay and clergy leaders to be able to work within the church,” she says. Her passion for supporting the church in the Caribbean has only grown as she seeks to lend her voice not only in academia but also through active ministry.

Dokman’s story exemplifies the ELCA’s commitment to global leadership development. Through programs like the International Leaders Program, the ELCA helps nurture leaders who will shape the future of the global church. To read more about Rev. Danielle Dokman and other updates from ELCA Global Mission, check out the latest edition of Global Links.

Read more from ELCA Global Mission.