Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Let Lutheran Campus Ministries know about your incoming students

Dear Partners in Ministry:

Thank you for sending us your students these many years. Each year those whom you send us enrich our ministry and upon graduation most find active roles in congregations. 

We are asking you to send us the names and contact information of all students from  your congregation who are attending our respective universities. You may even send along names and contact info from those attending area community colleges and other institutions of higher education. On behalf of all our colleagues, please also contact the campus ministries of those headed out of state for college. Thank you!

Your referrals and encouragement of your students goes far to involving them in a faith life during their college years. Allow us a story to make the point: One pastor called one of our campus ministries to inform them a student, Rachel, was headed to their university. The campus pastor called Rachel and invited her. After attending about a year and a half, Rachel said to the campus pastor, "I have a confession to make. I am really glad I am part of LCM. It is such a big part of my college experience. However I had no plans on attending church when I headed off to college. Then you called and I thought, "Rats! They know I'm here! Now I have to go!" I'm glad I did. (Rachel also brought her younger sister 2 years later). 

YOU can make a huge difference in determining whether or not students attend church during their college years. Thank you for making that difference!

Gratefully in Christ,

  • Rebecca Boardman

  • Brad Eubanks

  • Gary McCluskey

  • Charles Newman