Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Legacy and planned giving tool box

Our regional gift planners, Lisa Higginbotham, CFRE and Josh Kerney of ELCA Foundation, share the wide array of resources easily implemented with their help and designed to drive increased engagement and gifts written to your congregation. View as PDF or in this post.

Create Process and Policy 

Endowments help sustain the stability of ministry funding by creating stable distributions used to support important minis-tries to your congregation. 

  • Endowment Bylaw/Continuing Resolution Review or Creation 

  • Endowment Campaign 

  • Ministry Growth Fund Presentation or Annual Review for existing investors 

Gift Policies build trust and knowledge with members that their gift will be considered and implemented equitably, and create a pathway for committee members to follow, thereby decreasing conflict. 

  • Gift Policy Review or Creation 

Educate and Engage 

  • Facilitated Book Study to stimulate conversations about stewardship/giving/money. 

  • Articles provided by RGP in newsletter/bulletin inserts/email blast 

  • Schedule two Temple talks from Congregation Leaders prior to Legacy Presentation 

  • Pastor shares a sermon connected to Legacy and/or Stewardship 

  • Legacy Presentation by RGP (Donors may self-identify for continued conversation) 

Connect Donors to Resources 

  • Confidential meeting with donor to facilitate their charitable plan 

  • Stewardship of gifts by Regional Gift Planner 

    Legacy Society and Insights Newsletter Engagement 

Steward Resources 

  • Holy Closure/Preserving Legacy facilitation 

  • All are invited to these complimentary webinars offered by ELCA Foundation in 2022 

Ministry Growth Fund Investor Webinar

  • Q2 April 29th

  • Q3 July 29th

  • Q4 October 28th

Legacy Webinars 

  • May 27th “Giving More Than You Have” 

  • August 26th “Pay Yourself then Pay It Forward” 

  • December 2nd “Giving Forever” 

Lisa Marie Higginbotham
ELCA Foundation planner
Contact Lisa Marie here.

Josh Kerney
ELCA Foundation planner
Contact Josh here.