Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Learn How to Construct a Narrative Mission Plan for Your Community: Step-By-Step

You’ve heard about Narrative Budgets, but really, we need to talk about them for what they are: Mission Plans. You’ve probably even seen some examples, or even seen a few mini demonstrations on what they are, why they work to convey your community’s impact, and have an idea of how they’re assembled. But maybe the process is still too confusing or too daunting for you.

 If so, this webinar is for you. 

At 6pm MST on 9/9/2024, Pastor Tim Brown, Director for Congregational Stewardship Support, will lead a webinar going step-by-step on how to create a Narrative Mission Plan hosted by our Grand Canyon Synod Stewardship Team. Register for this Zoom event here.

Bring your current 2024 budget (narrative or otherwise) and get ready to do some work in real-time to start the process. Over the course of 45 minutes (with plenty of time for questions), this webinar is intended to get you well on your way so that you can present a Narrative Mission Spending Plan for next year.  Pastors, council members, stewardship teams, and all interested parties are welcome to attend!

Tim Brown is a pastor in the ELCA serving parishes in Chicago, IL and Raleigh, NC.  He currently serves in the Office of the Presiding Bishop as Director for Congregational Stewardship Support where he creates and curates relationships and resources to help Synods and Congregations fuel their ministries. He lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with his wife and two sons, and you can usually find him at a coffee shop or brewery reading or writing something he thinks is interesting.