Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Journal of Lutheran Ethics, October/November edition

Journal of Lutheran Ethics (JLE) is a free, bimonthly, ecclesial online publication living out the Lutheran tradition of addressing social issues theologically, using the resources of historical, theological, and ethical tradition, biblical interpretation, and social sciences.

From the Editor, Jennifer Hockenbery Dragseth

In an age of conflict and division between political parties and within political parties, between churches and within churches, American Christians often mourn disagreement, regret the diversity of opinion, and sigh for unity. This issue looks into the reality of disagreement in our nation and in our churches without rebuke. Disagreement, even radical and even uncivil disagreement, is a part of human social life, including church life. Thus, this issue is dedicated to answering the following question both theologically and practically: How do we have dialogue and debate on social and political issues with our neighbors? Read more.

For Congregational Discussion: The Ethics of Dialogue and Debate

The Journal of Lutheran Ethics hopes to provide reading material to stimulate thinking and conversation among academics, clergy, and laity. To this end, this new section will be included in each issue of JLE in order to encourage constructive discussion within congregations about the topics discussed in JLE. Consider using this section in formal adult education classes or in informal small group discussions. Read More.

All JLE October/November articles