Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Join the 130 Rostered Ministers Who Have Made Their Mark: Submit Your Annual Report Today

As we move forward in our mission and ministry, we extend heartfelt thanks to the 130 rostered ministers who have already submitted their annual reports. Your diligent responses underscore the vibrant engagement within our community.

Reflecting on last year’s total of 138 reports, we are optimistic about surpassing this number and enhancing our collective ministry insights. These reports are crucial as they offer a unique perspective on the ongoing work and spiritual journey of our ministers, enabling us to support each other more effectively and to shape our future endeavors with greater clarity.

For those who have yet to submit, it’s not too late to contribute to this vital collection of experiences. We encourage all remaining rostered ministers to visit our dedicated page and fill out your reports. Your participation not only fulfills a key commitment made upon joining the synod but also strengthens the bonds within our faith community and fosters growth in service and spirituality.

Thank you to everyone who has participated thus far—your contributions are invaluable to our collective mission.