Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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January 2022 Open Space newsletter

After a Covid hiatus, Open Space returns, and Pastor Lars Hammar shares their January 2022 newsletter. View in this post, online, or via PDF.

It’s been almost two years since we had to close down for covid. In that time we tried some zooms, an art contest, and made some meditations on the time, but, for the most part, we laid low. Then this fall we restarted paint nights, and have been going each third Thursday at the usual time and place (6:30-9:30pm at The Studio Space). It’s been good to see people coming back, reconnecting with old faces, and meeting some new. It’s been our usual thing, putting out the markers, books, and paints, along with having scrap cans in the alley. 

We also did a hike in Saguaro National Park – West. Felisa, Nick, and Alma came with me as we explored the area. We hope to make this a more regular thing. 

And, just this month, we hosted a competition to do your best writing on a book of subway cars. It has real schematics of world subways; you fill it in. Congrats to Nick James of DTAtattoo for the winning entry (it’s the middle one)

People have asked about starting up worship again, but we’re going to wait on that. In general, my tack is going to be one of restarting, of getting a core of disciples back together, then working outward from the team. We’re still very much in beginner mode. Plans have been floated, such as adding regular service projects, poetry slams, and such. It will all depend on the leadership. 

If you’re interested, or feel called, join us January 6th for our fellowship. It’ll be pretty low key, a time to hang out, share highs and lows, and also do a little planning and discerning. We’ll be at The Studio, as usual. 

I am reminded of how many times the people of God had to restart things in the scripture: exiles, temples destroyed, regime changes, and yet, somehow, God always finds a way. And I believe we can too. Our mission stays the same: to reach urban young adults with art. What, exactly, that looks like, will be the fun part to find out. 

—Pastor Lars