Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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How your offering becomes Mission Support

From Stories of Faith in Action: visit our SOFIA 2021-2022 page for all resources.

As Lutherans, we believe that Christ has freed us from sin and death, and even from ourselves, so that we can love and serve our neighbors. One way we turn our faith into action is by making a financial gift — an offering — to our congregation.

Each year, ELCA congregations pledge to send a portion of their offerings to fund ELCA ministries in their synods and beyond. We call these funds Mission Support.

Mission Support enables the ELCA’s more than 8,900 congregations and 65 synods to pool resources to love and serve our neighbors in ways that no individual or congregation can do alone. Mission Support is one way we are church together — it’s essential to who we are as the ELCA. Through Mission Support, we expand our participation in God’s life-changing work in our communities and around the world.

Your Congregation

Your offering supports your congregation’s vital presence in your community. When your congregation votes to designate the percentage of your offerings it will share with your synod, it is sharing Mission Support with ministries led by the wider church on your behalf.

Your Synod

Your churchwide organization uses Mission Support dollars to lead and support ministry on behalf of the whole church. This includes starting and supporting new ELCA ministries, training leaders, sending missionaries and growing the Lutheran church nationally and globally.

Your Churchwide Organization

Your congregation’s Mission Support dollars are stewarded by your synod’s leaders to nurture and equip ELCA congregations and rostered ministers. Synods support area ministry partners — camps, colleges, seminaries and more — and build relationships with global-companion churches. Synods designate a portion of the Mission Support funds they receive from congregations to be shared with the churchwide organization for ministries across our church.