Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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How to tell a good story

The Grand Canyon Stewardship Team shares this info on the timeless power of storytelling. A good story is short and sweet, packed with concrete details, about a strong main character, timely and relevant, and includes an invitation to action.

All good things to know as you submit your story to the Generosity Film Festival. Submit by Monday, November 16, 2020.

A good story is:

Short and sweet
Jesus’ parables were memorable in part because they were brief and easy to remember.

Packed with concrete details
Think of the woman who searched her house for the lost coin. You can feel her sense of urgency; you can see her frantically sweeping.

About a strong main character
Build your story around one engaging person, such as the poor widow who put the rich to shame with her gift of two copper coins.

Timely and relevant
Give your story a practical application and, if possible, a local angle. Everyone in Jesus’ audience understood the “problem” with tax collectors—and what their social status was.

An invitation to action
By talking about the simple, every day task of separating sheep from goats, Jesus got his listeners to think about how they were treating those in need.

Generosity Film Festival

The GCS Stewardship Team is also inviting you to film and submit a “story of generosity” as part of the Generosity Film Festival. Your video will be featured on the GCS website the week of Thanksgiving. Our hope is for an abundance of stories from across our synod, overflowing with heart-felt testimonies of generosity. (And there are PRIZES!)

To enter: