Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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From Local Impact to Global Action: ELCA World Hunger's 50th Year of Making a Difference

In the April 2024 edition of "Go & Do News," Lauren Smith, Director at Building Resilient Communities Education and Networks, celebrates the 50th anniversary of ELCA World Hunger. This issue invites readers to reflect on the half-century milestone of tackling hunger and poverty through ELCA's dedicated ministry.

It highlights the release of 50th-anniversary resources, a special video, and inspiring stories of partnership and action across the globe, including domestic spotlight on the Allegheny Valley Association of Churches and international focus on FLD-COMIN-CAPA's work in Brazil.

As ELCA World Hunger gears up for its presence at the triennial Youth Gathering, the newsletter calls for community engagement, sharing of celebratory plans, and participation in uplifting the impactful work of ELCA World Hunger over the past 50 years.