Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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From Film Screening to Frontline Action: Lutherans Restoring Creation's February 2024 Good Green News

February's Good Green News from Lutherans Restoring Creation highlights the upcoming event on regenerating life and land stewardship, the #NoPlasticsforLent initiative, and recent environmental wins. Join the movement towards a more sustainable and just world.

Lutherans Restoring Creation (LRC) and ELCA World Hunger are gearing up for a significant event on February 27th, focusing on the intersection of land stewardship and environmental healing. This event, part of a broader initiative to engage communities in the crucial work of regenerating life on our planet, will feature a film screening followed by a discussion with the filmmaker to explore actionable steps for local church communities.

Additionally, LRC is spearheading the #NoPlasticsforLent initiative, inviting participants to reflect on and reduce their ecological footprint by fasting from plastic and other harmful materials during Lent. This campaign, driven by the passion and leadership of young adults within the church, aims to foster a deeper connection with creation through prayer, lamentation, and tangible action.

ELCA Advocacy also brings encouraging news with recent environmental victories on the national stage, emphasizing the church's ongoing commitment to eco-advocacy and the promotion of sustainable policies.

As we move forward, LRC continues to build the ELCA's Creation Care Network, offering numerous opportunities for engagement, learning, and advocacy. The upcoming Connections Call in March will further explore how Lenten practices can inspire and inform our stewardship efforts throughout the year.