Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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First Call Process info session

Please join Bishop Deborah Hutterer and Pastor Jacqui Pagel for a First Call process update information session. Beginning 1/31/2021, new processes will take effect.

Click here to register in advance for the Zoom meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 2-3pm MST, 1-2pm PST.

The Assignment Process had been in place for about 30 years as a way of calling candidates to serve as rostered leaders in various places across the church. Candidates approved for ordination, consecration, reinstatement and candidates from other traditions participated in this process at the conclusion of the candidacy process and in preparation for their first call.

In an effort to evolve and continue to better serve candidates, congregations, synods and wider church in current times, the Conference of Bishops designed a new process to shepherd candidates from candidacy to their first call, called the First Call Process. Beginning January 31, 2021, the Assignment Process will no longer exist, and the last step of the candidacy process will be the First Call Process instead.

There will be time to ask questions or make comments once we go through the proposal.