Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Evan Moilan presents “Stewardship in Uncertain Times” seminar

Grand Canyon Synod members attended a free stewardship presentation by Evan Moilan, CFRE, entitled “Stewardship in Uncertain Times” on Monday, May 18, 2020.

In this seminar, Evan Moilan used historical giving data and new forecasts to share best practices that congregations can engage right now, and over the next few months to ensure generosity not only continues but strengthens in their ministries.

You can contact Evan Moilan at, 979-702-0406.

Resources from


  • Abundance: Creating Cultures of Generosity –Rev. Mike Ward, CFRE
    (Available on the GSB Website or on Amazon)

  • The Spirituality of Fundraising – Henri Nouwen (Available on Amazon)

View a PDF of the slides from the presentation.

A few takeaways:

After a disruptive event like a pandemic, expect a bump in giving for a few weeks, followed by a slump of giving for 4-6 months, followed by a surge into a higher and new normal in recovery. Our slump will naturally occur during our usual summertime slump, so don’t panic.

  • The cause has to be bigger than the institution. Gone are the days when folks give to the church just because it’s the church. What is your church’s cause?

  • The average Lutheran gives .62% to the church. The average Lutheran gives 2.9% of their income to charities. Lutherans think carefully about their gifts, and spread it across organizations.

  • Tell messages of generosity to keep momentum going. Create simple stories by asking for a few paragraphs or a short video of members answering these questions: What was the first act of generosity in your life that made an impact? Or, what is the greatest act of generosity you’ve witnessed?

  • Don’t focus on your budget or percentages. When you ask for gifts, make sure to tell the story of that gift’s impact.

  • Make deliberate times during online worship to ask for the gift. Send self-address stamped envelopes to regular givers. Focus on your top ten donors, who often provide around half of all giving.

  • Share the ways you are innovating.

  • Use ELCA preferred vendors like and Vanco for online giving. Give Lively is also an option.