Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Engaging Older Adults in Ministry

In this free online webinar offered through Adult Lutherans Organized for Action (ALOA), a panel of ministry leaders share their expertise on engaging older adults in ministry to each other, their families, their church and in their community. Thursday, 6/23/2022, 9am MDT/PST, 10am MDT. Register here.

Sue Lennartson, director of adult ministry at St. Andrew’s, Mahtomedi, will lead the discussion. She’ll be joined by Pastor Roland Martinson, professor emeritus at Luther Seminary and author of Elder Rising; Pastor Chris Olson Binga, senior pastor of First, St. Paul; and Pastor Kelly Chatman, a national teacher for the church in multicultural leadership, community engagement and congregational revitalization. They will share their experiences and explore the potential that older adults bring to the congregation as life long learners. This free webinar is offered through Adult Lutherans Organized for Action.