Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Engage with ELCA: Revisiting 'Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust'

The ELCA is taking a significant step in re-examining sections of the "Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust" statement. Learn about the process, engage in the conversation, and discover how you can be a part of this journey at the newly launched website at

The 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly has paved the way for an intentional and measured reconsideration of select sections of the 2009 social statement, "Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust." This move is not about rewriting the entire statement but is an invitation for us to thoughtfully and collectively re-examine certain parts of this significant document.

This journey of reflection will be divided into two main phases. Initially, the task force will focus on the editorial alterations, keeping in view the changes in civil laws governing same-sex marriages, increasing societal acceptance of such unions, and the emergence of varied family structures. The subsequent stage will direct its energies towards the pivotal section of the statement that highlights the range of beliefs Lutherans may hold about same-gender relationships. This section is often referred to as “bound conscience.”

To make this process transparent and inclusive, the ELCA launches a public website on October 30, 2023, at This platform hosts:

  • Detailed insights about the approved reconsiderations

  • A comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions segment

  • A form for those who wish to apply or nominate others for the task force

  • A clear outline of what is expected from the members of the task force

How Can You Get Involved?

  1. Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated by visiting the website and familiarizing yourself with the resources available.

  2. Spread the Word: Share the website with fellow believers, friends, and those interested in the ongoing dialogue on human sexuality within our church.

  3. Nominate or Apply: If you or someone you know is passionate about these discussions, consider applying or nominating someone for the task force.

  4. Engage in Dialogue: Talk about these reconsiderations within your local church groups and communities, fostering an environment of respect and understanding.

  5. Pray: Hold our church and the soon-to-be-appointed task force in your prayers.

As we embark on this path, our commitment to unity and understanding remains paramount. For queries or feedback not already addressed on the website, reach out to the designated personnel mentioned above. Remember, every voice matters, and your involvement can make a difference.